670 Gainesboro Hwy, Baxter, TN
Auction Preview Monday, April 8th 4-6pm
Bidding ends Thursday, April 11th 6pm
Partial List Below:
Case Knives, Ka-Bars, Leatherman, Craftsman, Beretta Lock Backs, Remington USA Stockman’s, Parker Cut Co., Kershaw’s, Browning Stag, Imperial Stainless USA, Case Seahorse Whittlers, COH Steel Knives, Soligen Cutlery, Kershaw Rainbow Leeks, Case Stockman Amber Bones, Buck USA’s, Collectors Knives, Whitetail Cutlery, Fixed Blades, CRKT Knives, Spyder Co. Knives, Throwing Knives, & So Much More!
If you have trouble bidding online or you’re not computer savvy, call Clint (931) 644-7149 or come by the office at 208 S. Jefferson Ave. Cookeville and we will help.
Terms: All property in this auction sells “As is, Where is” having given the right to bidders to inspect prior to bidding. No Warranties or Guarantees. Payment in full at time of sale cash, check, or card (3%). 10% buyer’s premium. All bidding takes place online.
Pickup and Payment Saturday April 13th 9-1pm. 670 Gainesboro Hwy Baxter, TN.